結婚記念と帰国前の記念を兼ねて、ボストンパブリックガーデンでの撮影です。 ご希望として、ピクニック風、自然な感じ、などカジュアルな内容でしたので、当日お話をしながら好きな背景とポージングなど決めていきました。 ピクニックのためにご用意していただいた食べ物を狙ってやってくるリスや鳥にも負けず、なんとか無事に終了。笑 これからも末永くお幸せに♡ この度はありがとうございました。
I had a portrait photo session with these beautiful people. They are staff and board members of this new school called Evergreen Elementary School, NH. They wanted to have some natural, candid photos like sitting and reading, walking and smiling, which is my favorite style 🙂 We had so much fun and you can tell...
I just loved taking photos of this gorgeous family! After rescheduling a couple of times, we finally met up and had a great time. These kiddos have so much personality. Absolutely no boring photos with them! My favorite is the last photo. That’s the sweetest mom-daughter moment♡ Thank you so much and hoping to see...